Saturday 10 November 2012

The Family


Marge is Clancy's and Jackie daughter.
Homer is Abraham's and Mona's son.
Abraham is Herb's and Homer's father.
Jackie is Marge's, Patty's and Selma's mother.
Herb and Homer are Abraham's and Mona's children.
Clancy and Jackie are Marge's, Patty's and Selma's  parents.
Marge is Homer's wife.
Homer is Marge's husband.
Patty and Selma are Marge's sisters.
Herb is Homer's brother.
Bart is Ling's cousin.
Bart is Herb's nephew.
Lisa is Patty's niece.
Lisa and Maggie are Abraham's and Mona's granddaughters.
Bart is Clancy's and Jackie's grandson.
Abraham is Bart's grandfather.
Clancy and Jackie are Ling's grandparents.
Bart, Lisa and Maggie are Abraham's and Mona's grandchildren.
Mona is Lisa's grandmother.
Marge is Herb's sister-in-law.
Herb is Marge's brother-in-law.
Clancy is is Homer's father-in-law.
Mona is Marge's mother in law.
Marge is Mr Mona's daughter-in-law.
Homer is Mr Clancy's son-in-law.

Try now this quiz from English Exercises about the Simpson's Family.

And now take a look at this video if you want to listen to this vocabulary:
